Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How 2024 Election Can Ruin Working Dog Sports

What does politics have to do with working dog sports?  Just ask working dog enthusiasts in Europe.  Ever since Europeans elected moved left and started to elect Socialists politicians, many European countries passed illogical laws limiting and even restricting working dog sports.  This was also true in countries that working dogs’ sports such as KNPV in Holland and Schutzhund in Germany are very popular.

For example, recently in Germany IGP (formerly Schutzhund) organization cancelled stick hits during protection trials.  Everyone familiar with Schutzhund knows that IGP sticks were padded, and stick hits do not harm in any way the dog.  The purpose of stick hits is to test whether a dog would pay attention to this simulated coercion.  Germany's legislature did not specifically prohibit stick hits, but they passed a law that any pain caused to a dog during training is illegal.  Leftists’ animal activists have been lobbying the government and legislation to make working dog sports illegal.  They claim that these sports hurt dogs and train them to attack humans, which is bad.  So, the German IGP body that controls the rules decided to give in and make this move to prevent from the sport to be outlawed all together.  This is despite the fact that there are hundreds of thousands people who participate in the IGP sport in Germany!  


In Holland these leftists’ animal activists disallowed the use of e-collars and pinch collars in dog training.  Anyone who trains working dog sports or for real-life working dog applications such as police and military knows that proper use of an e-collar is effective and does not hurt a dog.  The same uniformed politically motivated people did not forbid the use of the dominant dog collar shown below.








This collar looks conspicuous and harmless to the uninformed, but it is much more harmful to the dog than an e-collar.   This collar is designed to be worn at the top of the neck to quickly block air and blood to the dog's head.  The worse collar, like the one in the picture above, has a limiting tab to stop the leash in the choke point. 

So, why are leftists pushing for these nonsensical laws?  The old day Socialists and Communists used wealth and education to divide people.   They used labor versus management and property owners versus those who did not own property.  They pinned one sector of society against the other to gain power.  

There are several reasons why modern-day Socialists have been targeting our working dog sports (they are also dividing people based on race, sex, etc.).  First, their main strategy is to appear to be sensitive and carrying.  This emotional strategy appeal to the feelings of uniformed youth and especially young women.  This helps them to present themselves as the "good guys" and recruit unsuspecting young teenagers and under 25 people.  Another reason is that the purpose of Socialists is to divide the nation.  They try to pin children against their parents and one social faction against the other.  Precisely because working dog sports are popular with Dutch and Germans that these Socialists activists targeted them. 

What does any of this has to do with the elections in United States?  It is well known that Kamala Harris and her Vice-Presidential partner are devoted Socialists and Marxists.  Despite just recently changing their position to sound more centrist, they have not changed, and few are deceived by their lies.   Rest assured, if Kamala wins the 2024 elections, her administration will work hard to deploy the Socialists/Marxists scheme to secure their hold on power.  Of course, there will be worse implications for our economy, wellbeing and freedom, but if all these do not matter to you as your passion or maybe working dog business, this will be impacted as well.

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