Saturday, July 12, 2014


Hillary’s Hard Choices is a $10 Million Loss.  So paying Hilary Clinton a $14 million advance for a badly ghostwritten book about the time she did nothing as Secretary of State proved to be a really bad choice for her publisher. 

Those Americans who are still considering voting for a potential candidate who spent a lifetime in politics accomplishing nothing (other than marrying a corrupt politician), whose only virtue is being a cold fish and a little bit to the right of another potential unaccomplished candidate, Elizabeth Warren, are making a choice of being dumb
If her Majesty actually runs, and those Americans vote for her, they will make another bad choice for America – the third bad choice in nine years.  This bad choice has a real good chance of completely screwing up this country.  Therefore, let's hope that Americans will make the right choice this time.

By the way, Romney running again is another bad choice.  He lost in 2012 because he did not connect with white middle and lower class Americans, and there is very little chance that he will connect if he runs for the third time.  We need a Republican candidate that has a chance of connecting with this still important (but not for long) group.  

Choices, choices – at least we still have them!

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